måndag 10 december 2012

More Death Guard

My original idea was to only publish more or less painted minis...but more updates are more fun, so here goes. Some old ones that got finished and a couple of new additions to the DG force.

Legionaries 1

10 marines, sergeant with plasma pistol & power fist.

Predator Executioner

Finally done. Added the legion markings and a few touch ups.

Command squad

Not entirely done with the legion standard, hence one armless marine.

Legionaries 2

11 marines, 2 legion vexilla, 1 nuncio vox, plasma gun, sergeant with deathshroud power scythe.

Sergeant with power scythe

Mortarion and terminators

Got 5 more terminators with special weapons coming along.

Heavy support

Got some more missile launchers inbound. The squad will number 10 marines when finished.

Tech marine

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